Getting Started
The forms are listed numerically according to the section of Florida Rules of Court that pertains to family law, which is section 12. Therefore, all the forms have a number 12 prefix. Dates on the forms indicate the Supreme Court's effective date for the particular rule or form. (If forms appear on the page, they are current and approved by the Supreme Court.)
Getting Started: What Do I Do Now?
Step 1: Read General Form Information & Instructions
You should read the General Information thoroughly before taking any other steps to file your case or represent yourself in court. Most of this information is NOT repeated in the forms listed below.
This information should provide you with an overview of the court system, its participants, and its processes. It should be useful whether you want to represent yourself in a pending matter or have a better understanding of the way family court works. A glossary of family law terms is also included.
- General Information for Self-Represented Litigants - 02/2018
RTF / PDF - Application for Determination of Civil Indigent Status - 11/01/07
Step 2: Review Florida Statutes and Rules of Court
These forms should be used in conjuction with the Florida Statutes and the Rules of Procedure. These resources are fundamental to your case. Please take time to review them as they provide additional information and forms you may need.
For Example: Looking for a form to use to request to appear by phone? Review the Rules of Judicial Administration for help.
- Florida Rules of Court Procedure (Florida Bar)
(Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, Florida Rules of Family Law, Florida Rules of Judicial Administration) - Florida Statutes and Laws
Step 3: Determine the Form You Need for Your Case
Read the instructions on the first page of each form to determine if that is the form you will need.
Step 4: Determine What Other Forms You Will Need to File
The instructions to the form, Petition, Supplemental (modification) Petition, or Answer in your case will list the other forms you will need to file.
Step 5: Complete the Forms and File Them In the Appropriate Office
Complete each of the forms you are required to file, by hand, through the available fillable PDF, or via DIY Florida interview process and file the forms in the Clerk of Court's office in the appropriate county or electronically through the E-Portal. Follow the instructions to your forms or interviews. They explain how to have the other party served (not required in all cases), to make copies of your forms before they are filed, etc.
If you would like to learn more about DIY Florida and possibly use the interview questions to assist you in completing the family law forms visit the Florida Courts DIY Florida website.
If you have further questions about how to have the other party served, the forms filed, etc, you may contact the Clerk's Office to answer those questions.
What If I Still Need Help?
If you still need help, contact the Florida State Courts System's Self-Help Center at or call (850) 921-0004 if you have a question about any of the following:
- Cannot find the form you need
- Have difficulty downloading the form
- Have a DISABILITY and cannot use the form in its current state
NOTE: The Florida State Courts System's Self-Help Center pages do NOT list all forms for every situation. If you need a form that is NOT listed, you will need to review other resources or prepare your own motion. To do this you will need to either consult the statutes and rules listed in these pages or seek the advice of an attorney regarding what information should be included in the motion.
Limitation of Services – No Legal Advice
The Florida State Courts System's Self-Help Center helps litigants locate family law forms that have been approved by the Florida Supreme Court. The forms can be found on website at Florida Family Law Forms. If you need legal advice, you should contact an attorney, especially if you have an upcoming hearing. We cannot provide legal advice or make legal determinations, which includes telling you if Florida is the proper state to file your case, which forms to choose, how to fill out the forms, how to proceed with your case, what your legal documents permit or do not permit of either party, specific requirements for proper notarization, or whether federal law trumps state law.
Filing Fees
Your local Clerk of the Court Office may be able to answer questions about filing procedures or filing fees. Some Clerks of the Court Offices have self-help forms or general information about the legal process, although these are NOT a substitute for the advice of an attorney. Only an attorney can give you legal advice. You can use the following link to determine if there is a self-help program near you.
If you have questions about filing fees, how to have the other party served, or where to file in person you can contact the clerk of court in the county where you will file the petition or form. If you have questions about electronically/on-line filing (e-filing) your document(s), you can contact the Florida Courts E-Portal Support line at (850) 577-4609.
Finding an Attorney
If you are considering contacting an attorney, you may want to visit the following website for information on lawyer referrals:
If you cannot afford an attorney, you may want to contact the legal aid/legal services in your area. For the contact information on some of the legal aid/legal services in Florida, visit the following website: If your area is not represented on this website, you can do an internet search for the contact information of the legal aid/legal services in your area. You may also want to check with your local library:
Local Court Case Information and Procedures (All case types)
If you have questions about a case that has already been filed, it would be best to contact the Office of Court Administration in the Circuit Court where your case is filed. You can call the Circuit Courthouse and ask to speak with the Office of Court Administration (or the local family court manager if your case is a family law case). The Florida State Courts System's Self-Help Center is a statewide office and we do not have access to local court cases or local procedures. Your local court staff is best to advise you on local procedures.
DIY Florida
Should you need one of the Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Forms that are available on our website, you can use our DIY Florida module to answer questions that populate the Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Forms for you. We are currently working to create an interview for each Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Forms. Information about the DIY Florida can be found at DIY Florida - Florida Courts Help ( The page includes a link that will take you to the E-Filing website to get started.